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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Their House

Jordania Guzman Suero

Jordania Guzman Suero is a calm girl with a big heart.  She lives with her grandmother Martir Antonia Guzman Silverio.  Her grandmother is unemployed.  Jordania has a 15 yr old brother, and a 2 yr old cousin Bruedy, that live with her.  She wants to be a Doctor when she grows up.

Jordania is 8 yrs old, and was born 07 Feb 2002.  She goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours, and is in 2nd grade.  She suffers from Falcemia.  

Jordania’s home was one of the most shocking that I went to visit.  It was in one of the worst parts of town.  It is her grandmother’s house, so they don’t pay rent.  There are 5 adults and 3 children living in the home.  The floor and roof are full of holes.  The bathroom was horrendous.  I discovered a room outside the home, not fit for a dog.

This room houses Martir’s 28 yr old handicapped son.  When I asked if he came into the house at times, I was told that he only likes to stay in that room outside.  There was a small iron bed frame, and a filthy piece of foam on it that he sleeps on.  I was later told that up until last month, when the press did a story on the family, her son was tied up in this room.  Since there are no facilities for handicapped people in Puerto Plata, the family do not have many options.